SGI Hot Mix 17
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;$Id: comfit.pro,v 1.7 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1994-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; This function fits the paired data {X(i), Y(i)} to one of six common
; types of appoximating models using a gradient-expansion least-squares
; method. The result is a vector containing the model parameters.
; Statistics.
; Result = COMFIT(X, Y, A)
; X: An n-element vector of type integer, float or double.
; Y: An n-element vector of type integer, float or double.
; A: A vector of initial estimates for each model parameter. The length
; of this vector depends upon the type of model selected.
; EXPONENTIAL: If set to a non-zero value, the parameters of the
; exponential model are computed. Y = a0 * a1^x + a2.
; GEOMETRIC: If set to a non-zero value, the parameters of the
; geometric model are computed. Y = a0 * x^a1 + a2.
; GOMPERTZ: If set to a non-zero value, the parameters of the
; Gompertz model are computed. Y = a0 * a1^(a2*x) + a3.
; HYPERBOLIC: If set to a non-zero value, the parameters of the
; hyperbolic model are computed. Y = 1./(a0 + a1*x)
; LOGISTIC: If set to a non-zero value, the parameters of the
; logistic model are computed. Y = 1./(a0 * a1^x + a2)
; LOGSQUARE: If set to a non-zero value, the parameters of the
; logsquare model are computed.
; Y = a0 + a1*alog10(x) + a2 * alog10(x)^2
; SIGMA: Use this keyword to specify a named variable which
; returns a vector of standard deviations for the computed
; model parameters.
; WEIGHTS: An n-element vector of weights. If the WEIGHTS vector
; is not specified, an n-element vector of 1.0s is used.
; YFIT: Use this keyword to specify a named variable which
; returns n-element vector of y-data corresponding to the
; computed model parameters.
; Define two n-element vectors of paired data.
; x = [2.27, 15.01, 34.74, 36.01, 43.65, 50.02, 53.84, 58.30, 62.12, $
; 64.66, 71.66, 79.94, 85.67, 114.95]
; y = [5.16, 22.63, 34.36, 34.92, 37.98, 40.22, 41.46, 42.81, 43.91, $
; 44.62, 46.44, 48.43, 49.70, 55.31]
; Define a 3-element vector of initial estimates for the logsquare model.
; a = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5]
; Compute the model parameters of the logsquare model, a(0), a(1), & a(2).
; result = comfit(x, y, a, sigma = sigma, yfit = yfit, /logsquare)
; The result should be the 3-element vector:
; [1.42494, 7.21900, 9.18794]
; APPLIED STATISTICS (third edition)
; J. Neter, W. Wasserman, G.A. Whitmore
; ISBN 0-205-10328-6
; Written by: GGS, RSI, September 1994
pro exp_func, x, a, f, pder
f = a[0] * a[1]^x + a[2]
if n_params() ge 4 then $
pder = [[a[1]^x], [a[0] * x * a[1]^(x-1)], [replicate(1., n_elements(x))]]
pro geo_func, x, a, f, pder
f = a[0] * x^a[1] + a[2]
if n_params() ge 4 then $
pder = [[x^a[1]], [a[0] * alog(x) * x^a[1]], [replicate(1., n_elements(x))]]
pro gom_func, x, a, f, pder
f = a[0] * a[1]^(a[2]*x) + a[3]
if n_params() ge 4 then $
pder = [[a[1]^(a[2]*x)], [a[0] * a[2] * x * a[1]^(a[2]*x-1)], $
[a[0] * x * alog(a[1]) * a[1]^(a[2]*x)], [replicate(1., n_elements(x))]]
pro hyp_func, x, a, f, pder
f = 1.0 / (a[0] + a[1] * x)
if n_params() ge 4 then $
pder = [[-1.0 / (a[0] + a[1] * x)^2], [-x / (a[0] + a[1] * x)^2]]
pro log_func, x, a, f, pder
f = 1.0 / (a[0] * a[1]^x + a[2])
if n_params() ge 4 then begin
denom = -1.0/(a[0] * a[1]^x + a[2])^2
pder = [[a[1]^x*denom], [a[0] * x * a[1]^(x-1)*denom], [denom]]
pro logsq_func, x, a, f, pder
b = alog10(x)
b2 = b^2
f = a[0] + a[1] * b + a[2] * b2
if n_params() ge 4 then $
pder = [[replicate(1., n_elements(x))], [b], [b2]]
function comfit, x, y, a, weights = weights, sigma = sigma, yfit = yfit, $
exponential = exponential, geometric = geometric, $
gompertz = gompertz, hyperbolic = hyperbolic, $
logistic = logistic, logsquare = logsquare
on_error, 2
fcn_names = ['exp_func', 'geo_func', 'gom_func', 'hyp_func', 'log_func', $
fcn_npar = [ 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3]
nx = n_elements(x)
wx = n_elements(weights)
if nx ne n_elements(y) then $
message, 'x and y must be vectors of equal length.'
if wx eq 0 then weights = replicate(1.0, nx) $
else if wx ne nx then $
message, 'x and weights must be vectors of equal length.'
a1 = A ;Copy initial guess
if keyword_set(exponential) then i = 0 $
else if keyword_set(geometric) then i = 1 $
else if keyword_set(gompertz) then i = 2 $
else if keyword_set(hyperbolic) then i = 3 $
else if keyword_set(logistic) then i = 4 $
else if keyword_set(logsquare) then i = 5 $
else message, 'Type of model must be supplied as a keyword parameter.'
if n_elements(a1) ne fcn_npar[i] then $
message, 'A must be supplied as a '+strtrim(fcn_npar[i], 2) + $
'-element initial guess vector.'
yfit = curvefit(x, y, weights, a1, sigma, function_name = fcn_names[i])
return, a1